Save your mines for when you use your Supercharge.Your shots pierce through things, so try and aim for several enemies at once.It gives a 500% damage boost to your next shot Tips for the RailgunnerĪ few tips and tricks for you out there that want to main the Railgunner: Harvester’s Scythe and Predatory Instincts are good, but the crit chance they give doesn’t scale and their effects aren’t great for Railgunner so they don’t make it on here. Most of the items Railgunner focuses on are damage multipliers and crit chance.

The Railgunner isn’t the best item proccer in the game, so basically, none of the proc chain items are going to make it on the list. Lysate Cell: More stacks of your special skillĪVOID PICKING UP THE LOST SEER’S LENSES! THEY WILL REDUCE YOUR DAMAGE!.Plasma Shrimp: Guaranteed to proc when you have shield for 40% total damage.Shatterspleen: God Tier for AOE when you have good crit.Backup Mags: You’d think they wouldn’t work, but Hopoo actually made them good for Railgunner.Len’s Makers Glasses: More crit chance = more scoped damage = ez win.

This section is going to cover what I believe are the best items for the Railgunner and is essentially an item guide for Railgunner.Īt least one of the items here has to be fairly obvious by now, but here is the full list: Make sure to save your Concussion grenades for when you’re weapons are disabled though! It will be your only way to prevent death once you use Supercharge.

I can’t wait to see Mithrix getting one-shot by this absolute unit. Because it gives you an extra 50% crit damage, the more crit chance you’ve stacked, the more damage this 50% bonus you will do. One other thing to note about this ability is that it scales really well with crit damage. And another great thing about it is, it can go through enemies! Meaning you can even clear packs with this broken ability. Early on you will be able to easily one-shot teleporter bosses with just one round from this ability. Seeing a Railgunner use a Supercharge is a sight to behold.